Invite Players
Select The League
Player(s) being invited need to download the Angle Fantasy Betting app.
Click on the Angle symbol in the top left corner of the app to access your Current Leagues screen.
Click on the information symbol next to the league to which you want to invite players.
This will take you to the league information screen below.
Copy The Invite Code
If the player(s) you want to invite has already downloaded the Angle Fantasy Betting app, click the Copy Only Invite Code button and send the code to the player(s).
If the player(s) does not have the app downloaded, click the Copy Full Invite button and the player(s) will have a link to download the Angle Fantasy Betting app as well as the league code they need to join the league.
When the player(s) receive the code, they can copy and paste the code into the Join League area at the bottom of the Current Leagues screen shown in the screenshot above.